We Know You're Busy

For most people who build a custom home, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience. One factor that deters some from building a custom home is the impact it will have on the rest of your life. There aren’t many things more exciting than watching your life’s dreams take shape before your eyes. But it is also a daunting undertaking for most people. There will be new responsibilities, deadlines and decisions that will be piled on top of the responsibilities, deadlines and decisions you juggle every day. We get it.

Our clientele is comprised mainly of professionals, entrepreneurs and very active retirees. Many reside far away from the job site. When we set about reimagining the custom home design and construction experience, our main goal was to minimize as many of the stress points as possible, including one of the biggest stressors: decision fatigue. Building a home that’s as unique as you are will never be simple. But it can be manageable if you choose a client-centered partner with the experience and technology tools to help you keep it all organized. 

Our process is designed to provide real-time answers to the questions that will arise repeatedly during design and construction of your dream home

  • Are we on schedule?
  • What’s the next decision I need to make and when do I need to make it?
  • How much will the different options cost?
  • Am I over my budget?
  • What’s happening at the job site today? Next week?

The summary page of your client portal shows you...

  • The percentage of completion of each major phase of construction.
  • The expected project completion date (updated whenever a critical path event changes).
  • Alerts and Updates, with new and overdue items highlighted to help you prioritize your time.
  • Today’s project photos.
  • A real-time financial summary that totals your contract price, the cost of approved change orders, and adjustments for the cost of selections you have made.
  • A menu to drill down into the details of specs and selections, messages, job logs, to-do’s, project files and photos and much more.

Communications among the project manager and selections coordinator, your designer and our trade partners are organized by topic so all can quickly review the sequence of events and messages impacting any topic. Can’t remember what was decided about the height of the fireplace mantel at that meeting three months ago? A quick search takes you straight to the relevant topic. This information is updated daily and accessible from your computer, tablet or smart phone - 24/ 7/365. 

Our systems are built from the ground up for one specific purpose - to help you have the best building experience possible as your dream home becomes a reality. We do this by bringing order to the sometimes-chaotic process of building homes that have never been built before.  And Turnstone’s culture of client focus, continual process improvement and relentless training ensure that our entire team is aligned to deliver a successful project and a manageable experience for you. 

You're busy. work with a partner who gets it. let's build together!

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